In Summer 2011, I was selected to be part of a 5-person team assigned to collaborate with an international NGO and their local partner working on a 5-week, ExxonMobil-funded international development project in Cepu, Indonesia. The project focused on measuring and evaluating the impact that various water purification and cooking stove technologies had on the economic well-being of women living in seven villages surrounding the main oil well in the region. The drilling operation had brought some prosperity to the region, but not enough in the eyes of many villagers. This, along with Exxon’s global CSR commitment promoting women’s empowerment, helped motivate the company to fund an international NGO, Kopernik, to distribute these life-changing technologies to the women, through their local Indonesian NGO partner, Farabi.



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下周是第一個 Module 的期末考周



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之前聽學長姐提過 在Thunderbird 時間過的非常快

還來不及意識 就已經到學期末了


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4. Cross Culture Communication  (Prof.  Macdonald)

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           Thunderbird has a much more international culture compared to other Universities in the US.  If you were to go to another university here, most of the students would be from that state that the school is in.  Here at Thunderbird about half the students are American and everyone else comes from all over the world. 

            By coming to Thunderbird you will see a very diverse student body from all over the US and world.  To learn about all these different cultures, the student government will put on “Regional Nights”.  These nights will allow everyone to show off their culture and learn other cultures.  There entertainment, free food and most importantly free beer.  What I have learned is that every culture seems to like beer. 

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My name is David. I grew up in Togo, West Africa and then I lived in France for 15 years working in investment banking. I came here in Thunderbird because I wanted to improve my management skills and expose myself to an international environment before making my transition to Africa. Indeed, my career objective is to connect international investors and entrepreneurs in Africa and Thunderbird is the best place to link with investors from all around the world.

What I like here in Thunderbird is the diversity of the Student body. For this intake, 40 countries were represented in the Flag ceremony and I was proud to represent the Togo. When I just walk across the commons, it is the name we give to our cafeteria in Thunderbird, I may easily ear up to five spoken languages used among the students, French, Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi and English of course.  We are at the UN here.

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pre-MBA/MS program是針對那些已經被錄取,但其英文程度上MBA/MS課程還是有困難的學生所提供的銜接課程 (以Thunderbird來說是TOEFL<98的錄取者)


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Dual Degree


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在Arizona,高爾夫球是一項非常便宜的運動,下場打的話目前15-30美金不等(依時間不同,清晨會比較貴).練習大概4塊美金/100顆球,跟台灣比起來的話,便宜的無法置信.目前我去練習的場地有兩個Northern golf club一次買75塊會有30個代幣,一個代幣45顆球) 或者Lengend golf club出示thunderbird學生證4塊/100顆球).除此之外,學校也有golf club,想要練習的人也可以參加.

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學校動不動就舉辦不同的info session

一來是幫助同學更了解不同的項目 二來是順便企業徵才

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到 Thunderbird 也快兩個月了


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